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Standalone Sunday: The Beauty That Remains by Ashley Woodfolk (ARC)

Happy Black History Month, bloggers! Like last year, my goal for the next four weeks is to spotlight novels by Black authors during the entire month of February, and what a start this novel was. We’re barely into February and already we’re seeing some serious contenders for 2018 favorites overall. As always, Standalone Sunday is a feature created by Megan @ Bookslayer Reads where each Sunday we will feature a standalone book (not part of a series) that you loved or would recommend! There’s tons of focus on books that are part of a series, so this is the place to show some love for standalone novels, too!

My choice for this week:


Ashley Woodfolk’s debut novel, The Beauty That Remains (out March 6th) is about 3 teenagers who are each coping with the tragic, sudden deaths of their closest confidants, and how their stories of grief and the struggles of moving forward from loss interweave. For a debut novel, Ashley has a way with words that immediately triggers an intense emotional connection with each of these main characters and their loved ones who have died, while also being honest and not pulling any punches with the realities of living and learning to heal in the aftermath of death. It’s also incredibly diverse, with all of the main 3 and their side characters feeling individually fleshed out and well developed throughout the novel. I especially loved the use of media such as old Instagram posts, Twitter, and vlogs to connect us deeper into the background of each death and define the history between Autumn, Shay, and Logan. Although the pacing felt slow at certain moments, and it took a significant bit of time before the big tangled web of plot worked its way into a cohesive narrative, this debut was powerful, visceral, and bittersweet in all the best ways. The tears I shed were well worth every moment.

Recommended For: Fans of History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera, Kids of Appetite by David Arnold, and We Are Okay by Nina LaCour.

What are some of your favorite books that deal with grief and moving forward from it? Let me know + link your own Standalone Sunday in the comments below!

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